What are the obstacles to buying photovoltaic solar panels ?

More and more homes are being fitted with photovoltaic solar panels, but many owners are still reluctant to invest in solar energy. 

Quels sont les arguments les plus souvent cités par ces propriétaires encore hésitants?

Quels sont les freins à l'achat de panneaux solaires ? 

On vous explique tout. 

1. High cost 

One of the main obstacles to installing solar panels is the initial purchase cost. Despite a considerable fall in the price of materials in recent years, the installation of photovoltaic panels, along with associated equipment such as inverters and storage batteries, still represents a major investment for many households.  

2. The payback period is sometimes considered too long 

As with any bank investment, it often takes a few years to reap the rewards. So, although solar energy is profitable in the long term by permanently reducing electricity bills, some homeowners may be reluctant to wait several years before their investment has paid for itself. 

3. The need for a suitable roof 

Photovoltaic panels obviously require a suitable roof. Where the roof is complex, in poor condition or heavily shaded, it is often not feasible to install photovoltaic panels, and repair or modification work to make the roof compatible can be costly. 

4. A constantly evolving technology

Some people may be reluctant to invest in solar technology because it is evolving rapidly, fearing that their installation will become obsolete too quickly despite the exceptional lifespan and performance of the panels (over 30 years). 

5. Aesthetic concerns 

Even though photovoltaic panels are now part of the urban landscape, some homeowners may be concerned about the visual appearance of solar panels on their roofs, considering them unsightly. That said, "full black" panels are often considered to be more beautiful and more harmonious. 

6. Minimum 30-year lifespan and maintenance 

Few people realise that a solar panel has a lifespan of over 30 years. Although this is a long life, periodic cleaning of the installation can be useful to ensure its efficiency. Although there's nothing complicated about it, some people can be put off by this responsibility. Find out more in our article dedicated to maintaining a photovoltaic installation

7. Limited access to finance 

Many people wonder how to finance photovoltaic panels. There is plenty of support available for installing photovoltaic panels, such as renovation loans at extremely advantageous rates. However, obtaining finance for the installation of solar panels can be difficult or even impossible for some people who already have loans elsewhere, or whose income is considered too low by the bodies concerned. So it's true that not everyone can afford to invest in photovoltaics. 

Neopower can help you with this process thanks to a partnership with the CPH bank in Wavre (french speaking bank). Find out how to obtain finance here.

8. Environmental sustainability 

Although solar panels are considered to be a clean source of energy, their manufacture and transport have an environmental impact that some consider to be too great. Find out more in our article dedicated to the carbon footprint of a photovoltaic panel.

9. Bad information 

Lack of knowledge about the financial and environmental benefits of solar energy can deter some people from taking the plunge. Many people are still unaware of the real benefits of a photovoltaic installation

Despite these obstacles, the installation of solar panels is becoming more and more popular because it offers a number of advantages that are very real in the long term. If you'd like to find out more about the benefits of photovoltaics, find out more about here

A solar project ? A question ? 

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