The administrative procedures involved in a photovoltaic installation (<= 10 kVA)

Les démarches administratives autour d'une installation photovoltaïque (<= 10 kVA)

Whatever region you live in, there are various administrative formalities to be completed. Nothing complicated, we guarantee.

Étape 1 : Ai-je besoin d'un permis d'urbanisme ?

Whatever the shape, size, power or height of your installation, planning permission is not required if your panels are fixed to or integrated into the roof and do not project beyond the building. In 99% of cases, Neopower will propose a site date once you have signed your quotation and paid your deposit.

The rules are different for ground-mounted installations. In theory, you need to apply for planning permission, but few local authorities actually pay any attention to this. However, be careful if you want to install photovoltaic panels on a listed building or on a protected site. In this case, it will be absolutely necessary to obtain planning permission, which only the owner can apply for..

If you are in any doubt, you should always check with your local authority to find out what planning regulations apply to your photovoltaic project. 

Étape 1 : Ai-je besoin d'un permis d'urbanisme ?

Whatever the shape, size, power or height of your installation, planning permission is not required if your panels are fixed to or integrated into the roof and do not project beyond the building. In 99% of cases, Neopower will propose a site date once you have signed your quotation and paid your deposit.

The rules are different for ground-mounted installations. In theory, you need to apply for planning permission, but few local authorities actually pay any attention to this. However, be careful if you want to install photovoltaic panels on a listed building or on a protected site. In this case, it will be absolutely necessary to obtain planning permission, which only the owner can apply for..

If you are in any doubt, you should always check with your local authority to find out what planning regulations apply to your photovoltaic project. 

Step 2: Approval and commissioning of your photovoltaic system

Once your panels have been installed, you must have the safety and compliance of your installation checked by an approved agency (Règlement Général sur les Installations Electriques - RGIE ). Cette étape est prise en charge par nos soins. 

Pour ce contrôle, nous réalisons un schéma technique de votre installation et prenons rendez-vous avec l'organisme certifcateur.

Une fois votre installation agréée, nous envoyons le rapport de conformité à votre gestionnaire de réseau de distribution afin de pouvoir la mettre officiellement en service.

Step 2: Approval and commissioning of your photovoltaic system

Once your panels have been installed, you must have the safety and compliance of your installation checked by an approved agency (Règlement Général sur les Installations Electriques - RGIE ). Cette étape est prise en charge par nos soins. 

Pour ce contrôle, nous réalisons un schéma technique de votre installation et prenons rendez-vous avec l'organisme certifcateur.

Une fois votre installation agréée, nous envoyons le rapport de conformité à votre gestionnaire de réseau de distribution afin de pouvoir la mettre officiellement en service.

Step 3: Your electricity supplier

Installing solar panels will reduce your electricity bill. So don't forget to let your energy supplier know so that they can reassess your monthly payments or interim bills. 

There's no need to change your contract.

Step 3: Your electricity supplier

Installing solar panels will reduce your electricity bill. So don't forget to let your energy supplier know so that they can reassess your monthly payments or interim bills. 

There's no need to change your contract.

Step 4: Your home insurance

Every insurance contract is different. Always contact your insurer to make sure your panels are covered (damage, theft, etc).

Step 4: Your home insurance

Every insurance contract is different. Always contact your insurer to make sure your panels are covered (damage, theft, etc).

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